Ah, the past few weeks have been so busy for my business! So, because of that, this blog got a little deserted! LOL.
I have been finishing up on my orders, ordering new flowers, ordering my new business cards and postcards to attach the headbands on them, ordering more shipping material, and of course-working on my new website. Oh, and lets not forget being a wife, mommy, a cook, maid, butler, housecleaner...well, you get the idea! Whew!
That being said, yes, I did order more flowers that I will post on my website as soon as I get my postcards.
I also got other colors of elastic headbands and I'm also so excited to start making flowers with them!
Wana see a little sneak-peak?
A hot pink flower with DAMASK headband! Aaah LOVE IT!
My website has giving me more headaches than I inticipated. There is just sooo much to do! The part that takes the most time is the posting and uploading of all the headbands and wipe cases!
Initially, I wanted to build my own website. I mean I got a free e-book with easy-to-understand tutorials on how to build your site. But, when I realized it took so much time and patience, I found a site that sells web templates and ordered one that I liked. At this point, I would rather spend some money on a good website that will be up and running in a couple of days, than sit behind my computer for 6.5 months trying to build a site.
So I found my template
here. I am so in love with damask pattern, and wanted to get a website with that style.
I am still loading all my products to the website. It takes time and patience!
The site is already running and you are able to order from it. But, because its a new site, and basically, I programed and tuned all the necessary things, if you find a problem with something, or cant order, PLEASE let me know! I dont want to order from myself to see if it will go through, so I am counting on my customers!
Stay tuned for new and awsome headbands!